Saturday, 28 May 2011


{ hopefully, in 10 years' time, I've saved enough to buy this. }

And today, mission #1 accomplished. Alhamdulillah.
Moving forward to the next one.

Sunday, 22 May 2011

Choices - Scrapbook

The heart loves

Whom it chooses
We have no right
To say or decide
Whom the heart
Shall love.

For the heart
Is of the inner being
Part of the inner soul
Part of what connects
One to another

The heart alone chooses
Whom we shall love
The mind tries
The mind fails
One can not tell the heart
Whom it shall love.
* Leirra

Wednesday, 4 May 2011

tick tock tick.

Time is passing by.
Very sloooooooooowly.
Quite challenging weeks, I must say.
What's with the nagging, lagging, bitching, missing and any other -ing associated.
Sianx .___."

But it's something typical, right.
When time flies fast, we complain.
When time crawls slowly and make us feel like an idiot, we complain.
 Everything we complain.
And yes, now I am complaining.

*idiot face*

Anyways, it's a big relief for me today.
Assigned to Room 14 for AM session.
'Sucked' some blood out from some patients.
Lafaz 'Bismillah' menjadi senjata pelengkap diri *cheh cheh*

Which is better, to feel little pain but drawn once only or to draw 2-3 times but no guarantee to be painless?

*confused over own statement*

kwang. nevertheless, like the seniors always say, it's NORMAL to feel pain.


okie people. time to pack up and head home.
eh no, maybe mayap jap *giggles*

nak beli pen aje okeh.


p/s: thank you very nice. i love me too.

Tuesday, 3 May 2011



why, if you're asking.
because i finally got to wear the most hard-and-not-need-to-iron-for-few-months uniform again, something which i didn't think i would wear again.
after so long.
malu sebab kain singkat. seluar ada masalah sikit.


"Dear Allah, please protect me from any evil auras. Jauhkanku dari sifat riak/bangga dan tuntunlah hati ini agar sentiasa berusaha mencari keredhaanMu dalam apa jua yang dilakukan. Amin~"

time flies fast. we're already in May. few more months to Ramadhan.
more things coming up though.
"insyaAllah, perkara yang baik akan dipermudahkan urusan olehNya =)"

beep beep.