Tuesday, 26 July 2011

Time -Wikipedia

Time is a part of the measuring system used to sequence events, 
to compare the durations of events 
and the intervals between them, 
and to quantify rates of change such as the motions of objects

The temporal position of events with respect to the transitory present is continually changing; 
future events become present, 
then pass further and further into the past

Time has been a major subject of religionphilosophy, and science
but defining it in a non-controversial manner applicable 
to all fields of study has consistently eluded the greatest scholars.


p/s: time changes. situation changes. we changed. no, I did. You didn't.

Monday, 25 July 2011


p/s: i love you. more. most =) 

Saturday, 9 July 2011

Battlestar Galactica

I was one of the kiddies on that roller coaster.
(not in the picture obviously. borrowed it =p)
Too busy screaming my lungs out during the ride.
Trust me, you'll be doing the same.

Managed to only get on BG 'Human' (the one in red).
Made Izat promised to ride 'Cylon' with me on the next visit.
Somewhere in September?

{ Courtesy of Camemberu ;) }

Picture updates or plainly updates later yeah.
InsyaAllah =)

Friday, 8 July 2011

perlukah aku...

Perlukah aku tunduk
Pada bicara sepi tanpa erti
Yang serik dibisik-bisik
Diucap tanpa henti

Perlukah aku tunduk
Pada rasa yang bertakhta
Hingga ku melambung impian
Untuk menggapai sang purnama

Perlukah aku tunduk
Pada hati yang makin layu
Andai sekeping warkah putih
Tercoret kisah dan pujangga
Yang benar² mengusik jiwa
Menjadi bukti segalanya

Perlukah aku tunduk
Jika semuanya menghimpit
Menyesakkan dada
Membingungkan kepala

Perlukah aku tunduk
Merebut kasih
Yang datang sendiri padaku
Tanpa ku cari
Tanpa ku sendiri mengerti

Perlukah aku tunduk
Andai harga diri menjadi taruhan
Soal hati tak dihiraukan
Hanya keegoan beraja di fikiran

Perlukah aku tunduk
Pada setiap mereka yang menguji
Ketabahan diriku
Mencetus sengsara dalam hidupku

Perlukah aku tunduk
Dan tunduk lagi
Andai semuanya makin membuatku lemas
Makin membuatku hilang arah...~
Moderator @ istimewa2u

Life - Scrapbook

The promise that we made
At the end that we brake
A laughter that we share
A fighter we declare
The lies that we hide
For the cries of our pride
The ego that surround
Burning us into a perfect wound
The truth of our heart
For not letting the tears falls apart
But we break the vow
For no reason somehow
For the trust that’s getting weaker
And we lost in our fear
For the love that grows
Endlessly it flows
Then somehow we realise
It’s all the agony from the past
Sharing the re-born relationship
Had made us appreciate our friendship
And no more truth to hide
And no more lies can tear us apart
