Tuesday, 5 August 2008

Assalamualaikum wrt wb.

dah cukup 2 bulan tak update blog.
kwang3. nak kata malas. memang pong. padahal selalu bila nga wat kerja, ade terfikir fasal topik yang nak diperbualkan. tapi bila dah masuk net, terus terlupa. nanti dah teringat alek, topik tu dah macam tak berapa menarik sangat untuk dihuraikan lagi. nak kata sibuk, belum plak mula kerja lagi. cuma setakat gi masjid atau keluar merayap.

so many things happened.

> my analogy using the stars was completely not credible. i started to love him because the old one who claimed to be so pure and pious turned out to be one of the most irritating specimens on Earth. please lahh! because of YOU and the kind of person YOU are, YOU jeopardise other people whom my kind of 'people' look upon as 'holy and close to God'. sheesh. buat MALU kompeni aje.

> there's alot of stupid people around me. haish. semua orang ada OTAK, tapi TAK SEMUA ada AKAL. madang suka dengar cerita dari sebelah pihak aje. its like so totally nonsensical sey. and even a 5-year old friendship was put at stake just because of someone whom somebody deem to be better than the old one. haish. i don't know what's going on in these idiots' minds but i know they're always FULL of CRAPS! a loser calling other people a loser, own husband to be specific. wad de heck sia. ade plak wujud makhluk perosak yang macam gini. haish. what a world.

> after graduation, i was practically doing nothing. i did had a job which lasted for two weeks only [random: and thats where it all started =p] but after that, nothing at all. went out everyday wif abi, busy myself with the mosque activities and figuring out what to do in life.. yadda yadda. people keep asking me why am i not working in the hospital or something. ahahaa. i can never get bored with that. its easy. i want to further my studies again. and most prolly gona change line. from Nursing to maybe, Islamic Studies. hmm. consferm later kena lecture wif mother. oh well, mothers =D

> and right now, i'm still figuring out what i want in life. had it all nicely planned (maybe) wif abi on what we want to achieve together. no different from what i had initially. its just that i'm doing it together wif someone, and that someone turns out to be dearest abi. hah. and we have to slowly execute them and make sure it turns out right. gona further study and get a diploma, followed by a degree. and family planning comes in between =)

i think dats it for now. maybe.
ni nga tengokkan kanak-kanak riang makin menjadi2 plak kat #islamic_sch.
sorry for the mixed language also. ahahh.
nak gi solat, rehat jap fastu jumpa abi after Zohor.

Wassalam =)

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