Saturday, 22 August 2009

'Eid Ramadhan


selamat menyambut bulan Ramadhan.
semoga Ramadhan kali ini lebih bermakna bagi semua.
sebaiknya dimanfaatkan sepenuhnya kerana kita tak tahu jika masih berpeluang bertemu Ramadhan pada tahun yang akan datang.

Alhamdulillah, it's the 1st of Ramadhan.
im feeling sooooooo excited. lol. well, why not. Ramadhan is a month full of blessing, the only month in Islam (out of the 12months) that has Lailatul Qadr', a night of a thousand months.
you are considered the most disadvantageous person ever if you don't manage to supplicate a.k.a redeem yourself fully this Ramadhan and grab the chance to meet Lailatul Qadr'.

"Oh Allah, janganlah Kau hentikan denyutan nadi serta nafasku sebelum ku mampu untuk kembali kepadaMu dalam keadaan yang terbaik sekali...~"

i'm still up now, fresh and wide awake ;D online with Sharf and Qil, blabbering about the current issues in life. hish, too much politics is bad for health. *giggles*
then about work, school, friends, family, boyfriend/girlfriend.
macam-macam kerenah ade.

1 month is gona pass by quick. in the blink of an eye. things are revolving around too. but can we make changes to ourselves in time to come? be a new person with new ambition and attitude when Ramadhan leaves us? how do we promise ourselves and Him;

- that we will not lie anymore or talk bad behind people's back while putting a fake smile in front of them?
-that we will not take advantage of other people, use someone else's harta for our own good and claimed that we don't have a single clue about it?
- that we're not gona steal nor sell or take whats not meant to be ours?
- that we will not toy with someone's feelings and claimed God change our hearts or God sends down His 'wahyu' to us when we ourselves know we're like 'nothing' but dirt in His eyes?
- that we will respect and love our family & do good deeds to our parents?
- that we will stop doing 'maksiat' and repents for the better?

and that we solemnly swear there is no other God except Allah & Prophet Muhammad s.a.w is His Messenger?

believing and having faith in something is totally a very different thing.

to me.

if you are one of those who manage to change for the better, Alhamdulillah. maintain the way you are now. InsyaAllah, the door of Jannah opens for you.

but if you are one of those who change just to please yourself and look good in people's eyes, i tell you dude, you can never achieve anything except God's wrath. shame on you!

ada empat jenis kategori yang boleh kita nilaikan untuk diri sendiri:

1. seseorang yang terkenal di dunia tapi tak dikenali langsung di Akhirat
2. seseorang yang tak terkenal di dunia tapi sangat dikenali di Akhirat
3. seseorang yang terkenal di dunia dan terkenal di Akhirat
4. seseorang yang tak dikenali di dunia dan tak dikenali di Akhirat

so, which category do you fall into? or rather, where do you want to fall into?
are you working towards it?

that's for now. a few more hours to Sahur.


p/s: be someone true of one's words. please eh, don't act smart if you know you are not capable of it.

Monday, 10 August 2009

*blink blink*


so much things to do. but so little time.
feel so tight.
oops! how can I put it that way?
Allah da bahagikan masa kepada SEMUA orang dengan ADIL.
nobody gets 1 portion lesser or 1 portion more.

Ramadhan is coming!
weeee. Alhamdulillah, I still get to meet this joyous month.
and many many things will take place.
we're having the launch this Saturday @ Al-Iman Mosque.
power, i tell you. *drools thinking about Didicazli's appearance*
and hopefully end of month pass by faster. heh.
*evil grin*

i'd haf to plan my schedule for the upcoming month. *giggle* actually da almost 70% done, tapi perlukan sedikit lagi keyakinan & ilham. heh. at the mention of this, Istikharah comes to mind.
LOL. aiyoh. bukan niat untuk tak percaya kepada kekuasaanNya, tapi macam da terlalu banyak contoh gitu kan, orang mempergunakan a.k.a mempersendakan perkara ni.

Demi kepentingan sendiri.

Bila dipertanyakan tentang jawapan yang lepas, dikatakan dirinya kurang ilmu jadi perbuatan tu tak sempurna. Jadi kirakan sekarang ilmu da cukup eh? =p

Things are not simple as we see it. Due to some irresponsible freaks, the true value of something sometimes gets depreciated. Tsk.

Oh well. not necessary to get side-tracked. LOL.

*went blank*
Okay, just now my head was actually full to the brim with ideas. But now it spills too much and I didnt manage to salvage most of them. -______-"

Update later.



p/s: hidup jangan menyusahkan orang, please.

Saturday, 1 August 2009


Alhamdulillah Hirabbil 'alamin..
Segala puji bagi Pencipta seluruh alam..
Qulhuwallahu Ahad.

*went blank for a while*
I've finally gotten it. FOR REAL.
Dia pun sayang aku jugak. bukan kau sorang aje ;D
Allah Maha Adil Maha Bijaksana.
Alhamdulillah, ya Rabb.

~ tuntunlah hatiku agar tidak berpaling dariMu.. ~

some updates.

* I think I still need some guidance on the decisions that I need to make. Improvise with the things in hand now and work with it (effort + doa = inshaAllah success) or move on to something else. We can't definitely say or point out exactly where our rezeki will be coming from. hee. Istikharah? *giggles*

* Alhamdulillah, quite a number of our brothers & sisters are getting hitched / already engaged or solemnized. berseri-seri la sey muka akhis & ukhtis kita ni. lol. semoga silaturrahim yang terjalin berkekalan serta diberkati Allah s.w.t. The one coming up next week is our dearest Sis Abby =) must take picture many2.

* Ramadhan is coming. Time for full supplication. First Ramadhan without Ayah. but he'll be around =) aiyohz, safer belum qada' puasa tahun lepas, baik habiskan sekarang juga. unless memang korang mampu nak bayar fidyah atau sanggup puasa untuk beberapa bulan.

* Alhamdulillah, inshaAllah by end of year, ku akan terbang! (bukan kau sorang aje yang boleh ;D) tak jauh la, masih boleh dihubungi di talian yang disediakan atau cari ONLINE aje lah.. kan senang. Malaysia? Australia? Mesir? (why NOT! ;D) if it's my rezeki, then for Mecca. InshaAllah AMIN! (tak payah tunggu orang lain doakan.. i myself will go there and be near Him =p)

* My room is in a MEGA mess. With the works being done in some part of the house, my room become like a barrack liaox. Nemermind hor, it will soon be back to the new unique-yet-chic-style room. New start must have new things and new goals and new attitude. (maybe not ALL new la kan). ^winks^

* One of the most important things is to be able to plan wisely. Bijaksana dalam merancang kehidupan. chebah~ InshaAllah, things will be settled slowly.

ermm. too random.
but its okay. type so much also for what. lol.
it's time for this Muslimah to do whats supposedly to be done.
no need to bother about other unnecessary stuff. let things be. if things don't change, then you be change.

Allah Maha Mengetahui Lagi Maha Mendengar.
Allah Maha Adil Lagi Maha Bijaksana.

Sis Aisyah - "..ingat wak, hutang, akhirat tuntut."

"..sesungguhnya ujian itu rahsia Allah.."
- quoted from an anonymous sister.


p/s: aku pun boleh. eh? yer ker? suka hati. jangan dah terhentak baru nak terngadah ;)