Alhamdulillah Hirabbil 'alamin..
Segala puji bagi Pencipta seluruh alam..
Qulhuwallahu Ahad.
*went blank for a while*
I've finally gotten it. FOR REAL.
Dia pun sayang aku jugak. bukan kau sorang aje ;D
Allah Maha Adil Maha Bijaksana.
Alhamdulillah, ya Rabb.
~ tuntunlah hatiku agar tidak berpaling dariMu.. ~
some updates.
* I think I still need some guidance on the decisions that I need to make. Improvise with the things in hand now and work with it (effort + doa = inshaAllah success) or move on to something else. We can't definitely say or point out exactly where our rezeki will be coming from. hee. Istikharah? *giggles*
* Alhamdulillah, quite a number of our brothers & sisters are getting hitched / already engaged or solemnized. berseri-seri la sey muka akhis & ukhtis kita ni. lol. semoga silaturrahim yang terjalin berkekalan serta diberkati Allah s.w.t. The one coming up next week is our dearest Sis Abby =) must take picture many2.
* Ramadhan is coming. Time for full supplication. First Ramadhan without Ayah. but he'll be around =) aiyohz, safer belum qada' puasa tahun lepas, baik habiskan sekarang juga. unless memang korang mampu nak bayar fidyah atau sanggup puasa untuk beberapa bulan.
* Alhamdulillah, inshaAllah by end of year, ku akan terbang! (bukan kau sorang aje yang boleh ;D) tak jauh la, masih boleh dihubungi di talian yang disediakan atau cari ONLINE aje lah.. kan senang. Malaysia? Australia? Mesir? (why NOT! ;D) if it's my rezeki, then for Mecca. InshaAllah AMIN! (tak payah tunggu orang lain doakan.. i myself will go there and be near Him =p)
* My room is in a MEGA mess. With the works being done in some part of the house, my room become like a barrack liaox. Nemermind hor, it will soon be back to the new unique-yet-chic-style room. New start must have new things and new goals and new attitude. (maybe not ALL new la kan). ^winks^
* One of the most important things is to be able to plan wisely. Bijaksana dalam merancang kehidupan. chebah~ InshaAllah, things will be settled slowly.
ermm. too random.
but its okay. type so much also for what. lol.
it's time for this Muslimah to do whats supposedly to be done.
no need to bother about other unnecessary stuff. let things be. if things don't change, then you be change.
Allah Maha Mengetahui Lagi Maha Mendengar.
Allah Maha Adil Lagi Maha Bijaksana.
Sis Aisyah - "..ingat wak, hutang, akhirat tuntut."
"..sesungguhnya ujian itu rahsia Allah.."
- quoted from an anonymous sister.
p/s: aku pun boleh. eh? yer ker? suka hati. jangan dah terhentak baru nak terngadah ;)
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