*sniff sniff* the time of my life is here again.
temperature rising. endless sniffin' and wasting a box of tissue.
and constant hold-me-i-wanna-drop headache.
this is what happens when my love-o-meter breaks. LOL.
*trying to make someone feel guilty*
(macam paham)
tapi betul okay.
okay shuts ayn. hush hush!
anyways. i think my head gona roll at SP later.
*ring ring*
Nur: hi, good evening, (takleh sebut nama clinic) toa payoh.
Kim: *laughing on the other line* adekkkk...
Nur *???* uhh. ya. what happened?
Kim: *still laughing* adekkk.. on monday right, you remember anot any patient name Sally (bukan nama sebenar) came in and you got dispensed Diflucan?
Nur: uhhuh. why why?
Kim: hahaaa. how you dispensed eh? what you say to patient?
Nur: *think for a moment.. then jaws dropped* OH MY GOD! KIM! that one is to eat arh?
Kim: *laughs* adekkk... what happened~~? that one is to eat la. what did you say to patient?
Nur: *smacks forehead* i said insert because i thought to insert mah. dieeeee uh Kim! the patient came over ehh?
Kim: No lah, the brother or wat come to take the parents' blood result. now inside Dr's room.
Nur: ohh no! die ahh, die! what happened to her?
Kim: she kena allergy la 'there'. hahaaa. aiyoh adekkkk. *laugh and laugh* your first time dispensing that med isit?
Nur: ya lor. i think so. alaahhh Kim. then how? *gigit jari*
Kim: what how? like that lorr. thing happened already mahh. cannot do anything. ahhahaa. now see what Dr can do lorr.
Nur: hopefully nothing horr. sianx. tomorrow i dieeee liaox.
Kim: *laughs again*
okay people. next timeeeeeee. don't know, please askkkkk~ don't act clever only.
kan tak fasal2 orang tu kena gatal-gatal kat situ =X
tsk. *prays hard for ownself*
thanks a little to Cik NUR AQILAH BTE M.A for this :D

p/s: what happens when the replacement takes place? *thinks hard*
[editted] ~ apakah aku amat berarti di mata engkau.. telah ku ukir wajahmu lama dalam hati aku.. namun kau hilang dan takkan kembali juga.. ku merasa sepi, ku sendiri.. ~
i wish i could be there earlier.. hmmm.
Read this..coz i pena pakai..don ask y
hmmm. i know. cuma yang jadi menjadi masalah utama ialah i dah tersilap bilang patient afer nak buat dengan ubat tu =( the biggest mistake i ever made.
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