Tuesday, 20 April 2010

David Archuleta.

How can you say this is NOT CUTE?
He's wearing my favourite green~ with samping!
Add his precious smile, you'd get a perfect boy.
My current obsession.
Oh my Gucci!
I'd kill to have this dude in my room.
Kiddings eh.
But like yaaaa.
I'm a sucker for a boy in Baju Melayu.
If he really did wear songkok that day, i'd really go for the kill.
*prays for a muslim version of David Archie*

p/s: i need to stop. it's taking a toll on me. it hurts somehow.

pp/s: "..cause the possibility that you would ever feel the same way about me.. just too much.. just too much.."

note: yelahhhh.. sekarang semua mana nak ajak owang keluar lagi kan~.. sibuk sangat katanya tapi ade da sampai kat seoul garden.. tak pun kat Carousel. *pouts*

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