Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh~
I apologize for the long absence. Heeez.
As if someone's diligently following me =p
I started off with quite a not-very-encouraging week.
Abah met with a mishap that morning and admitted to Surgical HD in NUH.
My heart stopped for a moment when I got the call so I quickly had a washup and went there.
Looking at him lying on the bed with all that equipments beeping and blinking around after he came out from ops, I knew he's a strong-willed man. He has to be one.
I just know.
I was kinda rushing to work on Monday when somehow my right foot accidentally went into a hole that I didn't notice and I fell down, twisting my left ankle.
Oh yeah. The feeling of a sprained ankle, was oh, so, undescribable.
Did i have a good cry?
Not yet.
I took the cab to work. Upon reaching, I met with Ms Tay and she asked if I was okay.
Bla bla blahh~ I cried like a small girl. *sob sob*
So everyone decided to get me to ED for check-up despite my hesitation because Ms Tay saw the difference between both ankles.
Fracture? Tsk.
XR Ankle - no sign of fracture. Just swollen.
MC for the week & I was advised to have a very very good rest and not to walk around too much.
Yes, right.
Being the notoriously naughty girl, I went to NUH everyday to see Abah.
*prays hard nobody from work reads this*
Alhamdulillah, Abah is recuperating well. I think he still has some mini ops to do. From what he signalled yesterday and today, its for his trachea & right hand. InsyaAllah, all will be well.
And me?
Still walking around, limping to be exact.
Swelling went down but still painful. I don't know if the swelling could still happen because (2nd time) the left foot is 'bigger' than my right one. Haiyah.
I wonder if I could skip assisting for next week, but not in FC also =x
Okay folks, I need to continue my not-so-daily dosing of KDrama before I'm off to Pulau Bantal.
I hear the thunder too so it's a good sign :D
Take care and don't take drugs.
p/s: should i change layout also like everyone else who's trying out the new outlooks? but it will hamper my unique individuality. *yucks. cam paham aje ku ni*
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