Thursday, 4 July 2013

Signs she's interested... NOT.

Now it's time for you to hone an acute sense for the signals women send when they're not interested.
So there you are putting the moves on a babe at a bar. She hasn't quite hinted that she thinks you're gay, but you're still not sure if she's game. Read on and find out.

Number 10

She keeps looking around

When a woman is interested, she puts in the effort by giving you her full attention. If she's aching to end the conversation with you, looking for someone else to chat with, like the bartender, or, say, her drink, chances are she's not into you.

Number 9

She's not talkative

Every dating guide will tell you the same thing: women love to talk, so let them. If, however, she limits her answers to "yes" and "no," never bothering to elaborate, you have a flat liner. Ditto if she doesn't ask you questions and shows no interest in what you have to say. Especially telling is her body language. If she crosses her arms and legs, leans away from you, and doesn't play with her hair, you're probably boring her. Now if she taps her foot or fingers impatiently with the rhythmic precision of a ticking clock, get out before she blows (and not in a good way).

The truly determined may do things to offend or turn off guys, like scratch their privates, swear like sailors and generally behave in an unladylike manner.

Number 8

She says she's expecting people

In other words, there's little chance she'll be spending any alone time with you. If she emphasizes that these people will be arriving shortly, it's your red card, so gently excuse yourself.

Number 7

She says she has to leave

Although she just ordered her second Pink Lady, she's restless and fidgety. She keeps looking at her watch, looks around the room for something or someone, and seems generally uncomfortable where she is, i.e. near you. Should you still have doubts, they should be promptly dispersed as she suddenly leaves, mumbling something about having to be somewhere.

Number 6

She gets you to dance with her friend

Oftentimes, when a woman is dancing with a girl friend, she's off the market. Still, more indomitable men persist at their own risk. However, if that same woman pushes you into a grind with her much less alluring gal pal, it's the closest act to tossing you away without saying a word. But look on the bright side. You might still get some tonight, if you don't mind second place.

Number 5

She refuses the drink you offer her

Women love the free drink, so if she turns yours down, you can be sure she doesn't want the burden of having to talk to you, especially if you know she was about to order a drink herself. She might even order one herself after that, a very clear sign. But hey, at least you have two drinks now.
Number 4

She talks about other men

This can take many forms, so stay alert. She may say she has a lot of guy friends and does activities with them a woman would normally do with her boyfriend, like going to a cabin for the weekend. This shows that she likes the company of men as friends, which is what she might very well label you.
She may also mention that you remind her of her brother or guy friends, or go on about the other men she's interested in (which curiously, are nothing like you).

Number 3

She says she doesn't like guys who...

are shorter than her, are older than her, are in between jobs, have a beard, listen to Creed... whatever the comment, it will be one that applies directly to you. If she does throw a compliment your way, she may try to neutralize it with a negative hit, or a subtle comment of disapproval.
(only crazy people say he's not hot =p)
Number 2

She keeps highlighting how busy she is

This is probably the most classic subtle signal of all: her life is too hectic to accommodate a relationship. She says she's really busy at work, she works long hours, or simply can't make the commitment. She might say this before you actually ask her out, as a preemptive strike. However, this shouldn't be taken as the smoking gun. If you get this excuse more than once, then you can throw in the towel.
Less subtle variations exist, such as spurting excuses not to give you her phone number. She may say that she doesn't have a cell phone, that she lives with a roommate, that she just moved into a new place and therefore has no personal line for intimate chats. Or she can also just give you a wrong number and get off easy.

Number 1

She says she's not looking for a boyfriend

This is a tricky one. "I'm happy where I am right now" is one we've all heard but are rightfully quick to question. If women's shows, magazines and movies are any indication, women are never happy being single, so it's a nice way for her to say she's off limits. However, if you find an exception to the rule, she might just change her mind once she meets someone she's interested in.
In a similar vein, a woman with low interest level may talk about a past relationship drama that suggests she's not rushing to get into a new one.

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