Semoga awak sihat, insya-Allah.
Let's just get to the point straight. And whatever it is, I really hope you don't take it to heart.
I think you should not do this anymore. Eventhough S ignored me, I still managed to get S to talk to me if it's even just a word. That still made me feel good. Please don't waste your time on me. As much as you want this to blossom into something beautiful between us, I want the same thing to happen with S too. But it cannot happen twice, at the same time and at a different place.
I like you but I don't like you. Jangan tunggu kita. I know how it feels, because I'm waiting for S too. Setiap kali handphone kita berbunyi, kita selalu harap nama S yang akan tertera kat skrin, namun sayangnya, bukan dia. Tapi nama awak. Tak jawab, tak sampai hati. Nak jawab, takde mood. But as time goes by, I managed to get over it. I don't know if I should apologize for not talking to you, because I really don't feel like talking to anyone at all. Entahlah.
Kita cuma nak bilang awak aje. Awak tak payah nak susahkan diri ambil berat pasal kita lagi. Because I no longer care about you anymore. Tak perlu nak tunggu kita tido. Whatever happened, it's not real anyway. Terima kasih sebab awak pernah jadi kawan kita. Sorry but this is where it is, no further than that.
I may not understand you but I hope you understand my situation.
Dahlah, kita rasa ini aje yang kita nak cakap. Jaga diri. Don't find me.
Yours truthfully,
p/s: the words are exactly what I saw in the dream yesterday. I'm penning it down because I need to get it off my head. *sighs heavily*. freaky as it is, I'm seeing it turning to reality. it seemed very real. VERY. Oh Allah, tell me it's not true.
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