Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh~.
In the name of Allah, the Most Compassionate and the Most Merciful.
It's been very cold since yesterday. It's either just me freaking out or the weather is really not in favour.
And I've been sneezing the whole time which cost me my beauty sleep yesterday night. Sneeze, drip, then blocked, and then sneeze again, drip and blocked. Haiyohz. With the mask on, the never ending queue and some I-wish-I-could-smack-your-face people who's giving us a hard time at work, it really gets up to my head. Da macam orang gila pulak jalan sana sini, sebelah tangan ada bakul ubat lagi sebelah ada kotak tisu. Gila pun tak macam gini. Tsk. And the constant throbbing headache made me go slower on the paperwork. Haiz.
da consferm. Demam panas. Tapi tak boleh MC, sebab nanti ada orang mata merah. I think I wanna sleep after Isyak til morning. Tu pong kalau larat nak tunggu Isyak. For the past few months, I've been getting sick. Before ANC, after ANC, then before NOS and some other times lah. Something's not right. Haiyohz. Hopefully I still get to see the sun tomorrow and my sunshine. hmmmm~
I need hugs to make me feel better. (perasan betul~ safer aje yang minat nak hug dia)
dah la~ nak kemas² fastu duduk dalam bilik. minta izin members dulu.
Afer² sila beep talian yang ada.
p/s: you're something i wanna fight for. but i don't know how long am i able to hold on.
pp/s: if you were playing with fire, then what was i playing with all the while?
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